Momma Monday

It has been a few weeks since I have updated baby girl’s growth. Life has been insane around the Holman household. Typical fall craziness with school and such but throw in a house on the market and a pregnancy and days seem to pass in the blink of an eye. We had our 20 week anatomy scan last week and all was well with our baby girl. She looks great, spent the time fluttering her feet and practicing her sucking skills. I love being able to check in and nothing warms my heart more than truly healthy baby. We took the boys with us so that they could see the baby Leighton. I don’t recommend that. It was romper room. That was the first and hopefully last time I have to bring the crew along.

19 weeks

20 weeks

21 weeks

How far along? 21weeks

Total weight gain/loss? up 10 lbs, lovely. And I quote the ob “I see you finally decided to gain weight” Yep. sure did.

Maternity clothes?  Mostly. As you can see in my 21 week photo I am carrying this baby so different. She is making me me wide. I can wear some regular clothes but honestly nothing is comfortable,

Stretch marks? my poor hips

Sleep?  hit or miss either dead asleep or up and down all.night.long.

Best moment last week? I perfectly perfect baby girl showing off for the anatomy scan.

Movement?  Early in the morning and late at night. I love feeling her move around. She also has tendency to react to loudness when her brothers and dad play rough. I guess she is getting ready to join them.

Food cravings?  DOUGHNUTS. Its bad like most days EJ asks when are we going. Opps.


Labor signs? None thank god

Belly button in/out? In. It has yet to pop in a pregnancy so I am guessing it will stay in this time too.

What I miss: Wine and not aching at the end of every day.

What I am looking forward to: Almost to viability. WAHOO!

Milestones: Just keeping my eyes to the magic 24 week viability mark.

New Beginnings

It was time for a new little space in the inter webs for me. A new space that truly mirrors the family we have become. In the last three years I have rediscovered LA. I am a mother but there is so much more to me. Welcome to our new little world.
What better way to usher in A Splendid Day than with another new beginning.

2 new feet are on the way sometime around March 4, 2013.

We are thrilled to be blessed with another child.